Saturday, 24 September 2011

Chocolate and Beetroot cake - the first cake I've baked in Brighton!

The little flat above the greasy spoon is starting to feel like home. But, as per usual in my life I've got only one problem. Whilst the flat has double glazing (ah so energy efficient!), good sized rooms, trees and grass out my window and most importantly no mould (yes, no mould!) there is a sizeable vent by window. Between the hours of 8am and 2pm, the vent emits the smell of bacon, chips and other unidentifiable fried objects. The air is sweet and savoury and heavy with fat, the opposite of what you want when you open the window to get some fresh air. I'm getting used to it but bacon, bacon is the enemy! 

Its also the first time I've used the funky purple scales Anna got me for Christmas. The colours are all  synchronized.

 I don't know much about being a grown up but I reckon it involves making as much mess as you like and then tidying it all up. Flinging chocolate at this cake by way of decoration was satisfying! 

P.S. The thermostat on the oven is totally fine. Massive relief after the infamous roasting veg at 60 C oven in Magdalen street.


  1. Horay for Brighton and your first cake baked here! I live in Brighton and would not want to live anywhere else!

  2. Oh how exciting to have rediscovered your blog. I miss our mental oven though. The one I've got now is soooo predictable.
